Brief History:

Electricity has been used to stimulate healing for centuries. The earliest record dates back to 2750 when sick people were exposed to electric eels. As Technology advances, the field of Medicine is evolving in exciting new ways and the primordial understanding that the human body relies on its innate communication network to heal itself is driving progress in the field of Energy Medicine. Some of the pioneers are physiologist and biophysicist James Oschman PhD whose book Energy Medicine explains how energy medicine works from the perspective of energy fields and movement. Albert Szent Gyorgyi PhD contributed to our understanding of the biophysics of muscle contraction. He also won a Nobel Prize for being the first to isolate vitamin C and other components of the citric acid cycle. J.C. Guimberteau was the first person to publish video footage of fascia. He also pioneered an understanding of the relationship between cells and the extracellular matrix, specifically how a high speed signaling network transmits biophotons and electromagnetics through crystalline structures in the collagen. It is similar to the breakthroughs in understanding from the field of mycology which describe mycelium as a communication network that transports water and spikes of electrical potential. In 1995 Carolyn McMakin DC began using an FDA- Approved two-channel microcurrent device to cause therapeutic changes in connective tissue, also known as fascia, by influencing the body’s signaling system. Frequency Specific Microcurrent has been researched and utilized at the Cleveland Clinic and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

How It Works:

The human body uses electrical currents to transmit information, instructions, perform cellular functions, activate and relax muscles, release neurotransmitters, and more. Neurotransmitters play a critical role in nerve conduction, digestion, movement, and tissue repair. FSM uses a mild, micro-amperage that is similar to the currents that run through the body to promote healing. FSM current is electrically-based and subsensory. The patient doesn’t usually feel the current, but some patients report feeling sensations in the body in response to the current. FSM has been shown to soften tissue and influence the internal communication that maintains and organizes different body systems, as well as increase Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by 500%. It is potentially helpful in the treatment of inflammation, tissue repair, circulation imbalances, pain, physical and emotional injuries, digestive disorders, and so on. FSM utilizes the body’s extracellular signalling network/fiber network and resonance. Resonance is defined as the tendency of objects such as atomic nuclei, electrons, or molecules to vibrate strongly at certain frequencies and for these vibrations to be coupled through space to other objects with similar resonant frequencies.

The Clinic:

FSM is delivered to the patient through sticky electrode pads or damp cloths converted into electrodes through the use of black rubber and electrical leads. The treatment plan begins with two, two hour appointments where brain and spinal cord protocols are run as a foundation for subsequent protocols. The frequencies are delivered in pulses per second measureable in hertz. The California Acupuncture Board considers Frequency Specific Microcurrent to be a Tens unit and therefore its use is covered under an acupuncture license. Acupuncture meridians run along fascia lines so adding FSM to an Acupuncture practice seems like a natural evolution. Kristi’s master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and 20 plus years of clinical practice allow her to identify root imbalances. Her skill in pulse and tongue reading assist her in treating patients at the root cause of disorders from a holistic perspective. Her training in Frequency Specific Microcurrent was primarily with Shannon Goossen L.Ac, a current leader in the field of FSM. Kristi feels fortunate to bring this technology to her patients and looks forward to the future advancement of Energy Medicine.


Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 11-5
Closed Wed, Sat, Sun
By appointment only

Kristi Hundt MA, LAc © 2025. All rights reserved.