In the West, Chinese Medicine is best known for its ability to relieve pain and there is now an abundance of research explaining the benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of pain. The list of pain conditions Traditional Chinese Medicine has been proven to treat is long and varied. Acupuncture works by influencing pathways that run along our fascia and contain small energetic points. It treats disorders of the bone, muscle, tendon, joint and nerve to relieve stagnation and improve circulation; directing and accelerating the body’s healing potential to improve recovery. It affects the body’s biochemical response by way of the nervous system and decreases pro-inflammatory markers.  It interrupts pain signaling and thereby acts as a natural analgesic. Chinese herbs can be applied topically through poultices and liniments or taken orally to improve circulation and reduce pain. Moxabustion utilizes a cigar-like pole of compressed mugwort to warm the channels and speed recovery. Cupping is particularly helpful after contusions and in the treatment of tight, overworked muscles.  Traditional Chinese Medicine has a variety of tools to treat a multitude of pain conditions cause by various factors.

Nerve Pain

Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Peripheral Neuropathy and pinched nerves anywhere in the body all lead to pain, numbness and tingling.  Thanks to acupuncture’s time-proven ability to heal the nervous system, it is an effective remedy for nerve pain in most cases. To learn more about acupuncture’s ability to manage peripheral neuropathy induced by chemotherapy, please read this study.

Arthritis and Joint Pain

Acupuncture reduces pain and inflammation in joints wherever they may be. Hips, knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, wrists, as well as joints in the hands, feet, neck, and back all respond very well to acupuncture. Kristi welcomes patients with this type of pain very confidently because in her clinical experience they improve quickly and are often out of pain and discussing other health concerns before long.

Migraines and Headaches

A variety of underlying imbalances cause headaches and migraines.  The first step in their treatment is to determine the root cause. Structural abnormalities, tension from stress and muscle tightness, hormonal imbalances, and blood stasis can all cause headaches and migraines. Kristi’s skill with pulse and tongue diagnosis allows her to determine the channel systems involved. This dictates the acupuncture and herbal treatments necessary. Chinese herbs can play a significant role in the treatment of some migraine or headache patterns but is not always indicated. Acupuncture can relieve a headache immediately, but the course of treatment for a lasting recovery depends on the underlying cause.


Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 11-5
Closed Wed, Sat, Sun
By appointment only

Kristi Hundt MA, LAc © 2025. All rights reserved.