Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years  to support women through all of life’s stages and transitions. The female form is ever-changing and is best supported by a medicine that subtly evolves with it. Through careful pulse and tongue diagnosis, Kristi differentiates each patient’s channel imbalances to create a constitutional understanding unique to the patient at a given time. This is used to select appropriate acupuncture points and herbs on a case by case basis thereby treating the whole patient and improving her quality of life. Restoring balance ensures that later changes and transitions will occur on a healthy trajectory.There are a variety of channel patterns that cause gynecology-related disorders. Acupuncture and especially herbal medicine, are very effective at balancing hormones and smoothing blood flow. Kristi’s understanding of medical etiology allows her to assist patients smoothly navigate life’s many stages.  Chinese Medicine is widely regarded as an excellent form of preventative medicine. By diagnosing and treating the root of an issue, the progression of symptoms can be stopped before they evolve. Once a channel imbalance is resolved, this has the added benefit of preventing some later disorders. Chinese medicine works best before pathologies have advanced. This is especially evident in women’s health because often the underlying imbalance will cause distinct symptoms in each of life’s phases until it is resolved.


Supporting teens through puberty with Chinese Medicine can help acne, eating disorders, PMS, menstrual cramps, stress, insomnia and more.

General Gynecology

There are many factors that cause gynecology-related disorders.  Kristi is experienced at determining the underlying cause and treating each patient on a case by case basis.  Some conditions that she has successfully treated include: amenorrhea, endometriosis, hormone imbalances, irregular menses, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and uterine fibroids. Acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary/lifestyle counseling are generally included in the treatment of Women’s Health conditions.

Preparing for Pregnancy & Pregnancy

Acupuncture, herbal medicine and dietary changes can greatly increase your chances of conceiving and guide you through each trimester by easing fatigue, nausea, muscle pain and insomnia. It is also helpful in the invent of a miscarriage.


Chinese Medicine nourishes and restores the body back to balance after the demands of pregnancy, labor and birth. It is also helpful for breast feeding, the return of menstruation and postpartum imbalances

Peri-menopause and Menopause

For centuries, Chinese Medicine has proven its ability to treat hormonal imbalances, fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, low libido, hot flashes, night sweats, trouble concentrating and more. Kristi has helped countless women navigate this phase of life more comfortably.


Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 11-5
Closed Wed, Sat, Sun
By appointment only

Kristi Hundt MA, LAc © 2025. All rights reserved.